Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

Tested & Perfected Recipes

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This strawberry frozen yogurt packs a fresh berry punch, blending the creaminess of Greek yogurt with the refreshing zing of sorbet.

strawberry frozen yogurt with scooper

I know one cannot own every conceivable kitchen appliance, but if you can find an excuse to buy an ice cream machine, just go for it. They’re relatively inexpensive and you’ll be forever amazed at how much better homemade ice cream and frozen yogurt tastes. This strawberry frozen yogurt, modestly adapted from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz, is proof of that. It bears no resemblance to store-bought frozen yogurt or the imitation ice cream served at most fro-yo shops. Instead, it bursts with the intense flavor of fresh strawberries—think of it as a cross between strawberry frozen yogurt and strawberry sorbet. My daughter, Anna, said it best: “It tastes very strawberry-y.”

Speaking of strawberry-y, if you’ve got strawberries to spare, you may also like my strawberry shortcake, strawberry rhubarb crisp, or strawberry muffins.

“Wow! This is so delicious! I made the recipe exactly as written, and my only regret is that I didn’t make a double batch.”


What You’ll Need To Make Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

ingredients for strawberry frozen yogurt
  • Strawberries: Provide the fresh, vibrant berry flavor that defines the yogurt, delivering a burst of summer sweetness.
  • Sugar: Sweetens the frozen yogurt, balancing the tartness of the strawberries and Greek yogurt.
  • Vodka: Helps prevent ice crystals from forming, resulting in a creamier texture without compromising the strawberry flavor.
  • Lemon Juice: Enhances the brightness and freshness of the strawberries.
  • Whole Milk Greek Yogurt: The base of the yogurt contributes to the creaminess and adds richness and a tangy flavor profile.
  • Jump to the printable recipe for precise measurements

Step-By-Step Instructions

Begin by combining the strawberries, sugar, vodka and lemon juice in a medium bowl.

strawberries tossed with sugar, lemon juice, and vodka in bowl.

Let the strawberries macerate in the sugar mixture for about an hour, or until the sugar is nice and syrupy.

macerated strawberries in bowl.

Combine the strawberry mixture with the Greek yogurt in a blender.

strawberries with yogurt in blender

Purée until smooth.

blended base for strawberry frozen yogurt.

Strain the mixture through a fine sieve to remove the seeds. This step is optional; I think it’s much better without the seeds but if you don’t mind them, don’t bother.

straining the seeds from the strawberry frozen yogurt base

Chill the mixture in the fridge, then freeze in your ice cream machine.

churning the strawberry frozen yogurt in an ince cream machine.

Transfer the frozen yogurt to a container and freeze until firm enough to scoop.

soft-serve consistency frozen yogurt in loaf pan.

After a few hours, the frozen yogurt will get quite firm. You may need to let it sit out a bit to soften before scooping it. Enjoy!

hardened strawberry frozen yogurt in loaf pan

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I use in place of vodka in the strawberry frozen yogurt?

If you’re concerned about the yogurt tasting like vodka, it won’t! It’s just there to keep the yogurt creamy and smooth in the freezer. If you’d like to use a different alcohol, rum or kirsch (a dry colorless brandy) will work. If you don’t consume alcohol or don’t have any on hand, you can just omit it.

How long will frozen yogurt keep in the freezer?

The yogurt is really best right after it’s frozen, but will keep, tightly covered, for up to 1 week.  If the yogurt stays in the freezer more than a few hours, you will need to let it sit out on the countertop for a bit to soften before serving.

Can I use low-fat or fat-free yogurt in the frozen yogurt?

For the best taste and consistency, I highly recommend using whole milk Greek yogurt. Low-fat will work too but the frozen yogurt won’t stay as creamy in the freezer. Do not use nonfat.

bowls of strawberry frozen yogurt

You May Also Like

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

This strawberry frozen yogurt packs a fresh berry punch, blending the creaminess of Greek yogurt with the refreshing zing of sorbet.

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Total Time: 30 Minutes, plus 1 hour to macerate the strawberries and a few hours to chill in the freezer


  • 1 pound strawberries, hulled and chopped
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vodka
  • 1½ teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1½ cups whole milk Greek yogurt


  1. Combine the strawberries, sugar, vodka and lemon juice in a medium bowl and stir to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for about an hour, stirring every so often, until the mixture is nice and syrupy.
  2. Combine the strawberry mixture and Greek yogurt in a blender and purée until smooth. Place a sieve over a medium bowl and strain the frozen yogurt purée into the bowl to remove the seeds. (The most efficient way is to use a ladle to push the mixture in circular motions through the sieve.) Discard the seeds. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator until very cold (you can speed this up in the freezer if you like).
  3. Freeze the frozen yogurt mixture in ice cream machine according to the manufacturer's instructions. It will look a little slushy when it's done. Transfer the frozen yogurt to a plastic container and place in the freezer until firm enough to scoop, a few hours.

Nutrition Information

Powered by Edamam

  • Per serving (4 servings)
  • Calories: 284
  • Fat: 6g
  • Saturated fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 50g
  • Sugar: 47g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 9g
  • Sodium: 52mg
  • Cholesterol: 14mg

This website is written and produced for informational purposes only. I am not a certified nutritionist and the nutritional data on this site has not been evaluated or approved by a nutritionist or the Food and Drug Administration. Nutritional information is offered as a courtesy and should not be construed as a guarantee. The data is calculated through an online nutritional calculator, Although I do my best to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures should be considered estimates only. Varying factors such as product types or brands purchased, natural fluctuations in fresh produce, and the way ingredients are processed change the effective nutritional information in any given recipe. Furthermore, different online calculators provide different results depending on their own nutrition fact sources and algorithms. To obtain the most accurate nutritional information in a given recipe, you should calculate the nutritional information with the actual ingredients used in your recipe, using your preferred nutrition calculator.

Gluten-Free Adaptable Note

To the best of my knowledge, all of the ingredients used in this recipe are gluten-free or widely available in gluten-free versions. There is hidden gluten in many foods; if you're following a gluten-free diet or cooking for someone with gluten allergies, always read the labels of your ingredients to verify that they are gluten-free.

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  • Recently got an ice cream maker and have made frozen yogurt, peach ice cream, and a few sorbets. 3rd double-batch of this recipe in the last month. Minor tweaks but essentially as written. Outstanding. Rave reviews. Thanks much

  • I found the yogurt and the strawberries naturally tart enough without adding lemon. Second time I made it I substituted the lemon juice for vanilla essence and preferred the taste.

  • Used most of the same ingredients except for the vodka. I also added 1/2 cup of dry milk powder. Made it creamier, my husband approves since he doesn’t like yogurt.

    • — Joanne Turgeon
    • Reply
  • can you use just regular yogurt that is whole milk ? Not Greek.

    • Hi Jayne, It will probably work, but your frozen yogurt won’t be thick and creamy. I’d stick with Greek yogurt for best results — or try draining regular yogurt in cheesecloth to thicken it.

  • I made this recipe exactly as written in my Cuisinart ice cream maker. It took about 25 minutes and tastes amazing! Even in February. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Delicious! I have been on a search for a diabetes friendly home made ice cream or frozen yogurt during my pregnancy. My main cravings have been strawberries and sour cream and this ice cream hit the spot for both cravings as it was tart and full of sweet strawberries. I made a few edits. Since I didn’t have vodka I stock I used whiskey. And to decrease the carb content I only used 4 tablespoons of white sugar instead of 3/4 cup. It was still a good amount of sweet. We served our friends at dinner and they loved it and had no idea ti decreased the sugar content. Creamy, sweet, and tart.

  • This frozen yogurt was a hit. My 5 year old licked her bowl clean and requested it for breakfast tomorrow!

  • I am not typically a yogurt fan or a frozen dairy fan but I made this for company and it was so good I couldn’t believe it!!
    I used frozen unsweetened strawberries and the recipe made that strawberry flavour get up and dance. It was the perfect balance of tart, sweet, creamy and flavourful. Yet another big hit!

  • Do you think this would work with mango? Thanks!

    • Hi, I haven’t tried this with anything but strawberries, so I can’t say for sure, but I suspect it will work. I’d love to hear how it turns out if you try it!

  • How long can I keep this strawberry frozen yogurt in the freezer?

    • Hi Alexa, I’d say it would keep well in a covered container for about a week.

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