Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies

Tested & Perfected Recipes
Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies

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These light-as-a-cloud, kiss-shaped chocolate chip meringue cookies have a crisp outer shell and marshmallowy-soft interior.

Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies

These light-as-a-cloud, kiss-shaped chocolate chip meringue cookies have a crisp outer shell and a marshmallowy-soft interior, reminiscent of the meringue portion of a pavlova. They’re gluten-free and somewhat guilt-free. Yes, I know—sugar and chocolate—but as cookies go, they’re pretty innocent. This recipe comes from one of my mom’s best friends, Kathy Hattendorf, who’s like an aunt to me. Thank you, Aunt Kathy!

“These are absolute perfection. Easy to make and the most delicious merengue cookies!”


What You’ll Need To Make Chocolate Chip Meringues

ingredients for chocolate chip meringue cookies

Step-by-Step Instructions

Begin by combining the egg whites, cream of tartar, and salt in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat until frothy, soft peaks form.

beating the egg whites until foamy

Add the sugar very gradually, beating all the while. It should take about 2 minutes to add it all. Then continue beating for 4 to 5 minutes more, until the meringue is glossy and stiff, with a shaving cream-like consistency.

beating the meringue to stiff and glossy peaks

Add the vanilla and mix well.

beating in the vanilla

Set aside 3 tablespoons of chocolate chips and add the rest to the meringue. Fold with a rubber spatula to combine.

folding in the chocolate chips

Drop heaping mounds of the meringue onto lined baking sheets and dot with the reserved chocolate chips.

meringue mounds on baking sheet ready to bake

Bake in a 250°F oven for 30 minutes, then turn the oven off and allow the meringues to cool in the oven for 30 minutes more.

baked chocolate chip meringue cookies cooling on baking sheet

Let the cookies continue cooling on the baking sheet on the countertop until the chocolate chips are no longer soft. The cookies are best enjoyed fresh on the day they are made but leftovers can be stored an airtight container for several days. Be careful when stacking the cookies; they are fragile.

Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies

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Chocolate Chip Meringue Cookies

These light-as-a-cloud, kiss-shaped chocolate chip meringue cookies have a crisp outer shell and marshmallowy-soft interior.

Servings: 18 to 20 cookies
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Total Time: 45 Minutes, plus about 1-1/2 hours to cool


  • 3 large egg whites, at room temperature
  • ⅛ teaspoon cream of tartar
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¾ cup semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Set two racks in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 250°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites, cream of tartar and salt on medium-high speed (or high speed if using a hand mixer) until the egg whites are frothy, white, and hold a soft peak when the whisk is lifted out of the bowl, about 45 seconds. Continue to beat on medium-high speed, adding the sugar very gradually, taking about 2 minutes to add it all. Beat for 4 to 5 minutes more, until the meringue is glossy and stiff, with a shaving cream-like consistency. Beat in the vanilla extract. Set 3 tablespoons of the chocolate chips aside. Add the remaining chocolate chips to the meringue and fold with a rubber spatula to combine.
  3. Use two soup spoons to drop 1.5-in mounds of meringue onto the prepared baking sheets about 2 inches apart. Dot the meringues with the reserved chocolate chips, pressing them into the meringue just slightly. Place the meringues in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Turn the oven off and let the meringues cool in the oven for 30 minutes more. Let the meringues finish cooling on the baking sheets on the countertop for about 1 hour, or until the chocolate chips are no longer soft. The cookies are best enjoyed fresh on the day they are made but leftovers can be stored in an airtight container for several days. Take care when stacking the cookies; they are fragile.
  4. Note: It's best to make these cookies on a cool, dry day. Humidity may cause them to become sticky.

Nutrition Information

Powered by Edamam

  • Per serving (20 servings)
  • Serving size: 1 cookie
  • Calories: 63
  • Fat: 2 g
  • Saturated fat: 1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 12 g
  • Sugar: 11 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Sodium: 24 mg
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg

This website is written and produced for informational purposes only. I am not a certified nutritionist and the nutritional data on this site has not been evaluated or approved by a nutritionist or the Food and Drug Administration. Nutritional information is offered as a courtesy and should not be construed as a guarantee. The data is calculated through an online nutritional calculator, Although I do my best to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures should be considered estimates only. Varying factors such as product types or brands purchased, natural fluctuations in fresh produce, and the way ingredients are processed change the effective nutritional information in any given recipe. Furthermore, different online calculators provide different results depending on their own nutrition fact sources and algorithms. To obtain the most accurate nutritional information in a given recipe, you should calculate the nutritional information with the actual ingredients used in your recipe, using your preferred nutrition calculator.

Gluten-Free Adaptable Note

To the best of my knowledge, all of the ingredients used in this recipe are gluten-free or widely available in gluten-free versions. There is hidden gluten in many foods; if you're following a gluten-free diet or cooking for someone with gluten allergies, always read the labels of your ingredients to verify that they are gluten-free.

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    • Reply
  • Such a great recipe by using up leftover over egg whites. Always like to chop up my chocolate chips, as well as a very small handful of chopped walnuts too….and toss into a “forgotten” hot oven. Love the chewiness of it!

  • Does anyone know how many calories are in each cookie?

    • Hi Melanie, Each cookie has 41 calories. I just all of the nutritional information to the recipe. Hope you enjoy if you make them!

  • What is cream of tartar?
    What could replace it ?

    • Hi Jeanne, Cream of tartar is a white powder that you can find in the baking and spice aisle of your grocery store. In this recipe, it helps to stabilize the egg whites and keeps the air bubbles that you create when beating them, from deflating. I haven’t prepared these with anything but cream of tartar, but I believe that lemon juice would work as a substitute. You can read more about it here. LMK how they turn out if you prepare them with lemon juice!

  • Could I use coconut cream or whole coconut milk instead of the cream in the recipe, to go “dairy free”?

    • Hi Kate, this recipe doesn’t contain any cream. Might you be referring to a different recipe?

      • Early in the directions, it says to add the “cream” instead of “cream of tartar”.

        • Hi Susie, Thanks for pointing that out! I just corrected it – it takes a village! 🙂

        • Excellent recipe, and very easy, too! My mother taught me to make these but I have never been really successful in making them. Thanks to the use of parchment paper, the lower temperature and the mini chips, they were a big hit at Thanksgiving this year.

          • — Sandy B., Lowell, MA
          • Reply
    • If you want a vegan version, I’ve heard you can use the liquid from a can of chick peas to make meringues! I’ve never tried it, but there are recipes online for that.

      • Yes! I used the aquafaba (thick watery stuff) from a can of kidney beans once and the meringues came out pink. Last year I made them with the aquafaba from white cannelloni beans and they were terrific. It’s recommended to heat the acquafaba for a bit to reduce it in volume or it has too much water in it.
        My vegan sister and decidedly anti-vegan dad both loved them!

        • — Angie on November 18, 2022
        • Reply
  • Mine came out a bit sticky – any way to dry them out more?

    • They can be affected by the humidity. Did you by any chance make them when it was rainy or humid outside? Also, you could try to put them back in the oven for 10 minutes (at very low heat) to crisp it up a bit.

  • do you have a recipe for a frozen lemon cake. I love all your recipe’s and try to make as many as I can. Regards Iris

    • Hi Iris, glad you like the recipes! I have a lot of lemony desserts, including cakes, but not a frozen one– sorry. These lemon berry parfaits are served cold if that helps!

  • Could you cook these during the day?

    • — A baking child
    • Reply
    • Sure, just be sure to leave them in the oven for at least 4 to 5 hours.

      • 4-5 hours? I thought they bake for 30 minutes. Did I miss a step?

        • Sorry for the confusion, Julie! I changed the baking instructions a while ago so that the cookies don’t take so long to cook. (I used to leave them in the oven overnight.)

    • And could you use other chocolate chips?

      • — A baking child
      • Reply
      • If you mean a different flavor, yes, that would be fine!

  • Hi Jenn,
    Yesterday was my baking day trying your recipes for coconut macaroons and forever kisses. Both are delicious. Question about the forever kisses: Followed recipe exactly and they look gorgeous. I added a little extra of Ghiradelli chips. However, when I took them out of oven this am, they stick to the parchment. Did I do anything wrong; is there a trick to remove them ?

    • — Ellen Bernstein
    • Reply
    • Hi Ellen, Hmmm…are you sure you used parchment and not wax paper?

      • definitely used parchment. should they be crisp and crunchy? Mine look great but are more of a marshmallowy texture and it is certainly not humid up here. Should I try another batch?

        • — Ellen Bernstein
        • Reply
        • Yes, they should definitely be crisp and crunchy. I’d try again – and be sure to beat them long enough. You want glossy, stiff peaks. Good luck!

      • Could aluminum foil be used if you are out of parchment paper? Thank you!

        • Hi Ali, If you have non-stick foil, I think that should work. Hope you enjoy!

  • I made them today and they were excellent and very easy to make. My meringue didn’t form peaks. Could it have been that the egg whites were cold or that I didn’t use a metal mixing bowl? Regardless, they tasted excellent!

    • Hi Frances, Sometimes plastic mixing bowls can harbor traces of grease, which can prevent egg whites from getting stiff. Or it could’ve been that the eggs were too cold or that you didn’t beat them for long enough.

      • Thx. I’ll try again w room temperature eggs and a different type of bowl as well. They are all gone now and everyone loved them! PS love your recipes and website (I’m new)

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