How To Cut Watermelon Into Sticks

Tested & Perfected Recipes

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How to cut a watermelon

Nothing screams summer quite like watermelon. Next time you have a party, try cutting your watermelon into sticks instead of the usual wedges. It makes for a fun presentation!

How to cut watermelon into sticks

To begin, you’ll want to select the right watermelon. Watermelon should feel heavy for its size. Pick up a few of similar size; the heaviest of the bunch will be the ripest. Also, look for ones that are free of dents or bruises and are symmetrical in shape.

You’ll need a cutting board and a large chef’s knife. Before cutting it, wash the outside of the watermelon and then place it on your cutting board.

Whole watermelon on a cutting board.

Carefully cut the watermelon in half. (Depending upon the size, this may take some muscle.)

watermelon sliced in half

Place one of the halves flat-side down on the cutting board. Cut the half into slices about 1-inch thick.

slicing watermelon half

Discard the two end pieces as they will be mostly rind.

end pieces discarded

Carefully, rotate the watermelon 90 degrees and, again, cut slices about 1-inch thick.

cutting perpendicular slices after rotating

This will create a criss-cross pattern. Repeat this process with the other watermelon half.

Watermelon cut in a criss-cross pattern.

Pull the pieces apart and you’ve got watermelon sticks! They’re great for a pretty fruit platter or to skewer for a fun fruity snack.

Sticks of watermelon on a cutting board.


watermelon sticks on platter

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  • This is a fun way to have watermelon. It sounded complicated at first but was actually easy. I did it last season and my grandchildren loved the idea of watermelon sticks! I’ll be doing it today for a family Fourth of July cookout. Thanks for the idea, Jenn!

    • — Carol on July 4, 2024
    • Reply
  • This looks like a MUCH Easier way to eat sliced watermelon without sticking your face into a halfmoon slice! I guess those triangular shaped slices are easy and present well too, but these ‘sticks’ will be fun to try. Now, to find a sweet, juicy, organic melon without seeds — tall order!

  • Hi Jenn!

    Fantastic idea😊. Watermelon sticks were a big hit with coworkers.

    Any tips for picking a good watermelon? Ive heard a couple different viewpoints, would love to hear yours.

    Keep up the good work,

    Carolyn and my coworkers 😂

    • Hi Carolyn, I’d look for a watermelon that feels heavy for its size and has skin that’s a deep green color. There should also be an orangey spot on one end (that’s where it sat on the field while growing). And should choose one where the skin is a little dull — if the skin is really shiny, that likely means it’s underripe. Hope that helps!

  • Finger food! Why have I never done this? So simple. Thanks.

  • So easy with great presentation. A keeper.

    • —
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  • Love this! Thank you!

    • — Cheryl Skornik
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